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A greeting goes to all unknown persons outside there, to take themselves the time and leisure to do a short stop here - thank you very much for that .

After almost 3 years I got finally the appeal and the time (between long man-days) to fill this domain with a little bit of life. Sometimes the change of the own life habits (work, point of life, ...) - and to have the courage to speak openly about things - can change things in such a way that I didn't expected. So I am very excited what the future should have for me in it's little "treasure box" and how it will continue.

Perhaps someone of you asked yourself - Who is this "guy", who send me all these ideas over the past several years? Therefore I would like to deliver some background informations under "Nice things" about what I do. Additionally I answer two, three questions under "FAQ" regarding this homepage, my person and my attitude to the life. Perhaps then some things could be better understand. And under "contact" - yeehh, it's magic - with the help of a form you can send me a message directly. The "projects" page should contain in the future some infos about the projects I work on.

So, please, grub around. And perhaps there could be somewhat interesting and/or exciting around the next corner.

Best regards,
Christian Lichtenvort

© 2005 CLidea